Kingston Outer Station Project

Growing up in Kingston Ontario, I’ve always wanted to model the Kingston outer station. Originally built for the Grand Trunk in 1855, scratch buildingĀ  this station has been very rewarding. Here’s a little of how I’ve done it.

Kingston ON 1972 Phil Mason photo

Starting with some brick pattern styrene siding from N-Scale Architect. I used drawings to decide on size. The original picture above alowed me to count the stones beside the doors and from there I new that each corner block was 1 foot. This allowed me to set the size of the building to 56′ x 24′ and approx 26 feet high. I did not have any scale drawings to work from nor any original measurements.

Scale 12 x 1 inch wide styrene strips were used to make the end block detail. Each block is cut to size and staggered on the edge to represent the placement of the cornerstones. This was too difficult for the arch windows, so patterns were designed in XTrackcad to scale and printed on Photo paper. Then cut out with a #11 hobby knife to make the detail.

Styrene strips were used to build the details of the windows and roof support details. Styrene was curled by wrapping it around an appropriate size tube, held in place and dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes, then transfered to ice water to hold the curve. This was then cut to fit the window arches and roof supports.